Girls enjoying a dance lesson

Get started

Hurray, you’re ready to get started with Arts Award! We can’t wait to welcome you to our supportive and engaged community of Arts Award centres. 

Select a level 

To become an Arts Award centre, you’ll need to apply to Trinity College London. Before starting your application, you’ll need to have decided which level of Arts Award you’d like to run. There is lots of information about all five levels on the Arts Award website, or you can take our quick quiz to help you work out which level is the best starting point for your group. 

Steps to becoming a centre 

After choosing a level to offer, you’ll need to complete our online validation process to become a centre. There are a few simple steps you’ll need to take: 

Firstly, you’ll need to complete a short online form, then your application will be validated by Trinity and finally you’ll be asked to add a few final details to complete your registration.

You can find all the details of each step of the process on our Become an Arts Award centre page. 

Registering your organisation as an Arts Award centre is free and you can arrange training for staff or volunteers to become Arts Award advisers as soon as you’re ready. 

Want to know more? 

If you’d like more information about what’s involved before making your application, take a look at our start-to-finish overview of the Arts Award journey; from becoming a centre to completing your first Arts Award project. You can also learn about how Arts Award works in schools, arts and cultural organisations or youth settings.


Arts Award Centre Map

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Centre portal

Complete your centre registration and enrol young people